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Federal Probation Journal View

Title Issue
Is Project HOPE Creating a False Sense of Hope? A Case Study in Correctional Popularity September, 2014
Response to Duriez, Cullen, and Manchak: Theory and Evidence on the Swift-Certain-Fair Approach to Enforcing Conditions of Community Supervision September, 2014
Before Adopting Project HOPE, Read the Warning Label: A Rejoinder to Kleiman, Kilmer, and Fisher's Comment September, 2014
Federal Post-Conviction Supervision Outcomes: Arrests and Revocations June, 2014
Pretrial Detention Choices and Federal Sentencing June, 2014
Location Monitoring for Low-Risk Inmates: A Cost-Effective and Evidence-Based Reentry Strategy June, 2014
Improving Legitimacy in Community-Based Corrections June, 2014
Are the Collateral Consequences of Being a Registered Sex Offender as Bad as We Think? A Methodological Research Note June, 2014
A Difficult Position: A Feasibility Study Analysis of Conducting Home Contacts on Halloween June, 2014
Interagency Collaboration Along the Reentry Continuum June, 2014
How Far Have We Come? The Gluecks' Recommendations from 500 Delinquent Women June, 2014
After the Fall: Assessing the Impact of the Great Prison Experiment on Future Crime Control Policy December, 2013
Targeting Antisocial Attitudes in Community Supervision Using the EPICS Model: An Examination of Change Scores on the Criminal Sentiment Scale December, 2013
Use of Engagement Skills in Community Corrections for High-Risk Offenders December, 2013
Exit Status of Probationers and Prison-Bound Offenders in an Electronic Monitoring Home Detention Program: A Comparative Study December, 2013
A Review of Probation Home Visits: What Do We Know? December, 2013
From the Archives (Federal Probation May-June 1937): Is There a Measure of Probation Success? December, 2013
Extending Our Knowledge About Recidivism of Persons on Federal Supervision September, 2013
Introduction to Federal Probation Special Focus on Implementing Evidence-Based Practices September, 2013
The Trials and Tribulations of Implementing What Works: Training Rarely Trumps Values September, 2013
Reducing Recidivism Through Probation Supervision: What We Know and Don't Know from Four Decades of Research September, 2013
Skills and Training in British Probation: A Tale of Neglect and Possible Revival September, 2013
Changing Probation Officer Attitudes: Training Experience, Motivation, and Possible Revival September, 2013
7 Keys to "Make EBPs Stick": Lessons From the Field September, 2013
Overcoming Legal Barriers to Reentry: A Law School-Based Approach to Providing Legal Services to the Reentry Community September, 2013
