Search for financial disclosure reports for judicial officers, including bankruptcy, magistrate, and special trial judges.
Last updated May 2024
Financial disclosure reports for judicial officers and certain judiciary employees are filed with the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) in accordance with the requirements of the Ethics in Government Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. §§ 13101–13111). The AO provides free online access to financial disclosure reports, including periodic transaction reports, filed by judges, including judicial officers, bankruptcy judges, magistrate judges, and special trial judges.
The database contains downloadable electronic copies of all financial disclosure reports, including amended reports, that judges filed in 2022 and future years that are currently available for release. Reports will be continuously added as they are prepared for release.
You may also request hard copies of these reports, for a fee, by following the procedure below for requesting additional reports.
Request Additional Reports
If you are seeking judges’ reports filed in 2021 or earlier, up to six years prior to your request, or judicial employees’ reports filed up to six years prior to your request, please submit a request through the database or submit Form AO-10A by mail or email. Requesters can choose to receive such reports electronically via email at no cost or in hard copy via regular mail for a fee. Reports are required to be destroyed six years after filing.
Reference the regulations that govern financial disclosure reports filed by judges and judiciary employees under the Ethics in Government Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. §§ 13101–13111). Please see Chapter 5 for the regulations on access to reports.
Reporting Instructions
Read the Financial Disclosure Reporting Instructions (PDF) for judicial officers and employees. These instructions govern the preparation and filing of nomination, initial, annual, and final reports.