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Federal Probation Journal View

Title Issue
A Decade of Experimenting with Intermediate Sanctions: What Have We Learned? December, 1998
Electronic Monitoring: What Does the Literature Tell Us? December, 1998
When an Employee Dies: Managing the Aftermath of a Critical Incident December, 1998
Organizational Probation Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines December, 1998
Operation Spotlight: The Community Probation-Community Police Team Process December, 1998
A Continuum of Sanctions for Substance Abusing Offenders December, 1998
The Impact of Treatment: The Jefferson County (Kentucky) Drug Court Program December, 1998
What Do We Know About Anger Management Programs in Corrections? December, 1998
Correctional Officer Stress: A Cause for Concern and Additional Help December, 1998
Successful Mentoring in a Correctional Environment December, 1998
"Up to Speed": Exploring the Implications of Four Sanctioning Orientations for Community Corrections December, 1998
The Imposition of Restitution in Federal Criminal Cases December, 1998
The Effectiveness of Coerced Treatment for Drug-Abusing Offenders June, 1998
Monitoring Prescription Medication Use Among Substance-Abusing Offenders June, 1998
The Probation and Pretrial Services Automated Case Tracking System: A Review of Operations June, 1998
REDUCE: The Six Aims of Financial Investigations for Probation Officers June, 1998
The Failure of Correctional Management: Rhetoric Versus the Reality of Leadership June, 1998
Changing Lives Through Literature June, 1998
Creating a Probation Automated Recording System: Issues and Considerations June, 1998
Strength-Based Practice: The ABC'S oF Working with Adolescents Who Don't Want to Work With You June, 1998
Rethinking the Assumptions About Boot Camps June, 1998
A New York City Version of Correctional Boot Camp: An Overview June, 1998
"Looking at the Law": Probation Officer Searches June, 1998
