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Caseload Statistics Data Tables

This section provides statistical data tables on the business of the federal Judiciary, spanning the work of the appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts; the probation and pretrial services systems; and other components of the U.S. courts.

Filter for statistical tables by topic, report, or date. Topics include court of appeals, district and bankruptcy courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court. The district court topic includes sub-topics for data on jury, civil, criminal, magistrate judges, probation, pretrial services, and trials.

Caseload Statistics Data

Select reporting period end year
Title Table Number Reporting Period Publication Name
U.S. District Courts - Civil and Criminal Trials Terminated That Required 20 or More Days C-9 Retired September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table C-9 Retired—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 24.63 KB
Federal Pretrial Services - Defendants Receiving Judiciary-Funded Substance Abuse Treatment S-14 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table S-14—Federal Pretrial Services Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 12.28 KB
U.S. District Courts - Class A Misdemeanor Defendants Terminated by U.S. Magistrate Judges, by Offense M-1 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table M-1—U.S. District Courts–U.S. Magistrate Judges Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 18.33 KB
U.S. District Courts - Median Time From Filing to Disposition of Civil Cases, by Action Taken C-5 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table C-5—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 21.51 KB
U.S. District Courts - Evidentiary Proceedings Conducted by U.S. Magistrate Judges Under 28 U.S.C. § 636(b) M-4C September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table M-4C—U.S. District Courts–U.S. Magistrate Judges Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 16.13 KB
U.S. District Courts - Petty Offense Defendants Terminated by U.S. Magistrate Judges, by Type of Disposition M-2A September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table M-2A—U.S. District Courts–U.S. Magistrate Judges Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 17.14 KB
U.S. District Courts - Lengths of Civil and Criminal Trials Completed T-2 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table T-2—U.S. District Courts–Trials Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 23.47 KB
U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation - Cases Transferred S-19 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table S-19—Other Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 16.92 KB
U.S. District Courts - Felony Preliminary Proceedings Conducted by U.S. Magistrate Judges Under 28 U.S.C. § 636(a) M-3 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table M-3—U.S. District Courts–U.S. Magistrate Judges Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 23.62 KB
Federal Probation System - Offenders Receiving Judiciary-Funded Substance Abuse Treatment S-13 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table S-13—Federal Probation System Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 12.36 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil and Criminal Trials Completed T-1 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table T-1—U.S. District Courts–Trials Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 21.27 KB
U.S. District Courts - Petty Offense Defendants Terminated by U.S. Magistrate Judges, by Offense M-2 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table M-2—U.S. District Courts–U.S. Magistrate Judges Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 20.60 KB
U.S. District Courts - Recovery of Overpayment and Enforcement of Judgment Cases Filed, by Nature of Suit C-9 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table C-9—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 16.10 KB
U.S. District Courts - Services Provided to and Received From Other District Courts V-1 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table V-1—Other Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 32.00 KB
U.S. Federal Courts - Judicial Officers in the U.S. Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Bankruptcy Courts 1.1 September 30, 2005 Judicial Facts and Figures
Table 1.1—U.S. Federal Courts Judicial Facts And Figures (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 62.88 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Pending, by Jurisdiction, Nature of Suit, and District C-3A September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table C-3A—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 41.20 KB
U.S. Courts of Appeals - Cases Under Submission for More Than Three Months B-20 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table B-20—U.S. Courts of Appeals Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 11.87 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Pending, by Length of Time 4.11 September 30, 2005 Judicial Facts and Figures
Table 4.11—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Facts And Figures (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 7.28 KB
U.S. Courts of Appeals - Federal Court Management Statistics–Profiles N/A September 30, 2005 Federal Court Management Statistics
Table —U.S. Courts of Appeals Federal Court Management Statistics (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 212.64 KB
Federal Probation System - Persons Under Post-Conviction Supervision, by Offense E-3 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table E-3—Federal Probation System Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 29.90 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Defendants Pending, by Offense D-8 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table D-8—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 31.20 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Pending, by Length of Time C-6 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table C-6—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 19.43 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Pending Three Years or More, by Jurisdiction and Nature of Suit C-12 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table C-12—U.S. District Courts–Civil Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 19.39 KB
U.S. District Courts - Federal Court Management Statistics–Profiles N/A September 30, 2005 Federal Court Management Statistics
Table —U.S. District Courts–Combined Civil and Criminal Federal Court Management Statistics (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 132.80 KB
Federal Probation System - Persons Under Post-Conviction Supervision E-2 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table E-2—Federal Probation System Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 19.51 KB
U.S. District Courts - Matters Conducted by U.S. Magistrate Judges S-17 September 30, 2005 Judicial Business
Table S-17—U.S. District Courts–U.S. Magistrate Judges Judicial Business (September 30, 2005)
pdf, 16.17 KB
U.S. Federal Courts - Work of the Federal Judiciary JCI June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table JCI—U.S. Federal Courts Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 19.68 KB
U.S. District Courts - Federal Court Management Statistics–Profiles N/A June 30, 2005 Federal Court Management Statistics
Table —U.S. District Courts–Combined Civil and Criminal Federal Court Management Statistics (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 132.76 KB
Federal Probation System - Persons Under Post-Conviction Supervision E-2 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table E-2—Federal Probation System Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 19.53 KB
U.S. Courts of Appeals - Federal Court Management Statistics–Profiles N/A June 30, 2005 Federal Court Management Statistics
Table —U.S. Courts of Appeals Federal Court Management Statistics (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 212.12 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Filed, by Jurisdiction and Nature of Suit C-2 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table C-2—U.S. District Courts–Civil Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 20.36 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Defendants Filed, by Offense D-2 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D-2—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 22.77 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Defendants Filed, Terminated, and Pending (Including Transfers), by Level of Offense D-1 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D-1—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 35.76 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending, by Level of Offense D-1 Cases June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D-1 Cases—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 34.76 KB
U.S. Courts of Appeals - Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending B June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table B—U.S. Courts of Appeals Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 12.66 KB
U.S. Courts of Appeals - Decisions in Cases Terminated on the Merits, by Nature of Proceeding B-5 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table B-5—U.S. Courts of Appeals Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 24.69 KB
U.S. District Courts - Grand Juror Service J-1 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table J-1—U.S. District Courts–Grand and Petit Jurors Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 24.92 KB
U.S. District Courts - Petit Juror Service on Days Jurors Were Selected for Trial J-2 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table J-2—U.S. District Courts–Grand and Petit Jurors Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 26.76 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Defendants Filed, Terminated, and Pending (Including Transfers) D June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 21.52 KB
U.S. Bankruptcy Courts - Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table F-2—U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 25.93 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Terminated, by Nature of Suit and Action Taken C-4 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table C-4—U.S. District Courts–Civil Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 20.85 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Defendants Terminated, by Type of Disposition and Offense D-4 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D-4—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 23.94 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Filed, Terminated, and Pending, by Jurisdiction C-1 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table C-1—U.S. District Courts–Civil Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 24.70 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Cases Filed, by Offense D-2 Cases June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D-2 Cases—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 22.38 KB
Federal Pretrial Services - Cases Activated H-1 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table H-1—Federal Pretrial Services Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 27.57 KB
U.S. District Courts - Civil Cases Filed, by Jurisdiction, Nature of Suit, and District C-3 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table C-3—U.S. District Courts–Civil Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 41.84 KB
U.S. District Courts - Median Time From Filing to Disposition of Civil Cases, by Action Taken C-5 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table C-5—U.S. District Courts–Civil Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 27.62 KB
U.S. Bankruptcy Courts - Business and Nonbusiness Cases Filed, by Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code F-2 (Three Months) June 30, 2005 Bankruptcy Filings
Table F-2 (Three Months)— Bankruptcy Filings (June 30, 2005)
xls, 31.00 KB
U.S. District Courts - Criminal Defendants Filed, by Offense and District D-3 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table D-3—U.S. District Courts–Criminal Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 31.80 KB
Federal Pretrial Services - Interviews and Types of Pretrial Services Reports H-2 June 30, 2005 Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary
Table H-2—Federal Pretrial Services Statistical Tables For The Federal Judiciary (June 30, 2005)
pdf, 36.79 KB