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The Brooklyn Program--Innovative Approaches to Substance Abuse Treatment PDF icon Download (85.01 KB) Substance Use, Probation December 2002
The Role of the Federal Probation Officer in the Guidelines Sentencing System PDF icon Download (51.65 KB) Sentencing, Probation December 2001
Arming Probation Officers--Enhancing Public Confidence and Officer Safety PDF icon Download (51.65 KB) Probation December 2001
Intensive Probation for Domestic Violence Offenders PDF icon Download (44.97 KB) Probation December 2001
Probation Department Sentencing: Recommendations in Two Utah Counties PDF icon Download (54.24 KB) Sentencing, Probation December 2000
The Addition of Day Reporting to Intensive Supervision Probation: A Comparison of Recidivism Rates PDF icon Download (62.9 KB) Supervision, Probation June 2000
U.S. Probation/Pretrial Officers' Concerns About Victimization and Safety Training PDF icon Download (68.6 KB) Pretrial, Probation June 2000
Can Probation Be Revoked When Probationers Do Not Willfully Violate the Terms or Conditions of Supervision? PDF icon Download (34.54 KB) Probation June 1999
Early Termination: Outdated Concept in an Era of Punitiveness PDF icon Download (32.71 KB) Criminology, Probation June 1999
Communication Between Probation Officers and Judges: An Innovative Model PDF icon Download (46.57 KB) Probation June 1999
The Strengths Perspective: A Paradigm for Correctional Counseling PDF icon Download (42.83 KB) Probation June 1999
A Decade of Experimenting with Intermediate Sanctions: What Have We Learned? PDF icon Download (110.89 KB) Probation, Supervision December 1998
Operation Spotlight: The Community Probation-Community Police Team Process PDF icon Download (105.15 KB) Probation, Supervision December 1998
Creating a Probation Automated Recording System: Issues and Considerations PDF icon Download (123.06 KB) Probation June 1998
"Looking at the Law": Probation Officer Searches PDF icon Download (144.58 KB) Probation June 1998


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