With the original Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence serving as the backdrop, President Barack Obama and Chief Judge Richard Roberts of the federal district court in Washington, D.C., congratulated citizens from 26 countries during a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives. The special event, held in the rotunda of the Archives, was in celebration of Bill of Rights Day, observed December 15 every year as an opportunity for all Americans to celebrate and recognize the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which were adopted on December 15, 1791.
"What a remarkable journey all of you have made. As of today, your story is forever woven into the larger story of this nation," President Obama told the new citizens.
"It is always a joyful moment for me to welcome new citizens to our country, " said Chief Judge Roberts, who administered the oath of citizenship. "We welcome your contributions to continuing our evolution as a people."
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