Multiple sclerosis has taken away Judge Ronald M. Gould’s use of his arms and his legs. But Judge Gould, who serves on the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Seattle, does not let the disease dampen his passion for justice.
In a new video by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, Judge Gould says he focuses on strengths that transcend his wheelchair confinement, and through his experience gives others the opportunity to move beyond their limits. As Judge Gould puts it: “As long as a person will concentrate on what it is that they can do, rather than what they can’t do, they can get an awful lot done.”
This three-minute video interview with Judge Gould shows how he uses technology and help from others to perform the job of a U.S. Court of Appeals Judge. The video is part of the Pathways to the Bench video series, which features federal judges who have found ways to succeed in spite of the obstacles in their lives.
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