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Federal Probation Journal

Federal Probation Journal, published each June, September, and December, presents current thought, research, and practice in corrections, community supervision, and criminal justice.

Article Title Topic Date
State of the System: Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Federal Courts, Pretrial, Probation September 2015
Rowing in the Right Direction: Movement on the Recommendations on the Strategic Assessment of the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services System Federal Courts, Pretrial, Probation September 2015
Pretrial Services--A Family Legacy Federal Courts, History of probation, Pretrial September 2015
U.S. Pretrial Services: A Place in History History of probation, Pretrial September 2015
People Can Change and We Can Make a Difference Training, Federal Courts September 2015
The History of Training in the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services System History of probation, Training September 2015
How Today's Prison Crisis is Shaping Tomorrow's Federal Criminal Justice System Probation, Prison, Federal Courts September 2015
All Implementation Is Local: Initial Findings from the Process Evaluation of the Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforecment (HOPE) Demonstration Field Experiment Supervision, Probation June 2015
Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the Federal Probation System: The Federal Probation System: The Second 25 Years History of probation, Federal Courts June 2015
National Public Registry of Active-Warrants: A Policy Proposal Prison June 2015
Towards an Empirical and Theoretical Understanding of Offender Reinforcement and Punishment Supervision, Evidence-based Practices June 2015
Mental Health Courts in Illinois: Comparing and Contrasting Program Models, Sanction Applications, Information Sharing, and Professional Roles Mental Health, Supervision June 2015
Untapped Resources: What Veteran Services Officers Can Provide for Probation and Parole Supervision, Probation June 2015
Perceptions of Probation and Police Officer Home Visits During Intensive Probation Supervision Supervision, Probation June 2015
Driving Evidence-Based Supervision to the Next Level: Utilizing PCRA, Drivers, and Effective Supervision Techniques Evidence-based Practices, PCRA, Post Conviction December 2014
Approaching the 90th Anniversary of the Federal Probation System: The Federal Probation System: The Struggle to Achieve It and Its First 25 Years History of probation December 2014
Getting to the Heart of the Matter: How Probation Officers Make Decisions Probation, Supervision December 2014
Technical Revocations of Probation in One Jurisdiction: Uncovering the Hidden Realities Probation, Supervision December 2014
A Descriptive Analysis of Pretrial Services at a Single-Jurisdictional Level Supervision December 2014
Addressing Responsivity Issues with Criminal Justice-Involved Native Americans Responsivity, Indian Country, Supervision September 2014
Before Adopting Project HOPE, Read the Warning Label: A Rejoinder to Kleiman, Kilmer, and Fisher's Comment Supervision, Criminology, Substance Use September 2014
Response to Duriez, Cullen, and Manchak: Theory and Evidence on the Swift-Certain-Fair Approach to Enforcing Conditions of Community Supervision Supervision, Criminology September 2014
Is Project HOPE Creating a False Sense of Hope? A Case Study in Correctional Popularity Criminology, Substance Use, Supervision September 2014
Second Generation of RNR: The Importance of Systemic Responsivity in Expanding Core Principles of Responsivity Responsivity, Evidence-based Practices September 2014
Reconsidering the Responsivity Principle: A Way to Move Forward Evidence-based Practices, Responsivity September 2014