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Federal Probation Journal View

Title Issue
A Comparison of Oral Specimen Collection and Laboratory Urinalysis Among Baltimore City Arrestees June, 2002
Federal Probation Joins the World of DNA Collection June, 2002
Federal Strategies of Juvenile and Adult Pre-Service Trainees June, 2002
Adult Offenders in a Day Reporting Center June, 2002
Polygraph Testing Leads to Better Understanding Adult and Juvenile Sex Offenders December, 2001
Reducing Unnecessary Detention--A Goal or Result of Pretrial Services? December, 2001
The Role of the Federal Probation Officer in the Guidelines Sentencing System December, 2001
Arming Probation Officers--Enhancing Public Confidence and Officer Safety December, 2001
The Impact of Victim-Offender Mediation--Two Decades of Research December, 2001
Intensive Probation for Domestic Violence Offenders December, 2001
Therapeutic Community Treatment May Reduce Future Incarceration--A Research Note December, 2001
Female Offenders--Walking Through Enhanced Supervision December, 2001
TRIAD Drug Treatment Evaluation Project December, 2001
Technology Forecast for the Federal Judiciary September, 2001
Supervising the Cyber Criminal September, 2001
Cyber Crime and the Courts--Investigating and Supervising the Information Age Offender September, 2001
Computer Crime in the 21st Century and Its Effect on the Probation Officer September, 2001
PACTSECM September, 2001
The Chief as a Technology Manager September, 2001
Pagers, Digital Audio, and Kiosk--Officer Assistants September, 2001
Remote Location Monitoring--A Supervision Strategy to Enhance Risk Control September, 2001
Reducing Alcohol-Related Crime Electronically September, 2001
Interactive Video Training for Firearms Safety September, 2001
Criminal Justice and the IT Revolution September, 2001
When Prisoners Return to Communities June, 2001
